...Adventure begins...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Happy House-sister

It is still strange to think that I am in Africa. In many ways, Africa is a lot like home. the flowers are a bit wierd and spiky, and some of the signs are in Afrikanaas, but it is not how I pictured Africa at all. Until one has to deal with a repairman (or women, but I have yet to see a repairwoman here).

While we were in Cape Town the phone had broken. Again. Yesterday, just as I was settling down to some music learning for the upcoming concerts, the bell rang and it was the telephone repairman. He came in and I asked him if he wanted a drink while he worked. Such as juice, or water, or squash (like Kool-aid). Yes, he answered, he would like a drink. How about a cup of tea, no milk please.

The gardener had been the same! I DO have more meningful things to do besides carefully brewing tea for the help (hee hee, I didn't think I would ever complain about 'the help'). The phone is working again, but it took 3 hours of him chatting to make it work. Grr. Today the maid is there, so I escaped - it is impossible to work or to make any mess when there is someone there who is working to make the mess disappear. Ooh, there I go, complaining about the help again.

Yesterday, while sister processed refugee claims, I droppoed the dog off at the vet for her spaying. She had recently learned to escape from the yard, and as Silver Lakes is full of roaming, love-hungry he-dogs, the day we saw her escape was the last day she could be fertile. We stopped at Woolworth's after work to buy salads, and spent the evening repairing the dollies we are taking to Zimbabwe to give away.

Not the most exciting day, I hope this weekend is better...


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