...Adventure begins...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Underneath the Veneer

Most of the time, Africa functions relatively well. Unless the telephone breaks. Or the hot tub catches on fire. Or if one has to get a visa to visit Mozambique. It took 2 hours to HAND IN my documents, as the visa officer did not bother to show up for work. I hope it will actually be ready by tomorrow, as I still have to get a vasa for Zim and Zam and those will take a bit longer.
The neat thing about handing in mypassport and documents was that the secretary noticed that the passport was issued in Pretoria. *I* think a Canadian passport from Pretoria is very glamorous and unusual, and she did too.

I had a rehearsal for the Francophonie concert this morning, and after I finish at the computer lab I have to grab a bit for sis, and then go to Builders' Worls to build fencing, as little Kefira-dog has figured out how to escape.

There will be more excitement soon, as coming up are concerts and trips!


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