...Adventure begins...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Expensive Internet

I cannot believe the cost of Internet in these first-world countries. 6Euros and hour. I am trying to get off the evil machine of money bleeding as fast as I can, and it is hard to concentrate because there are two guys here discussing the Middle East loudly. They were angry at me because I asked them to keep it down a but because it is expensive and I needed to concentrate (they were yelling) then they started yelling at me that it was not expensive after all. It IS. Growl.

So, last time I wrote anything I was spending my last day in Baden bei Wien. I left the cafe, sat on a bench, and watched the approaching clouds. It was about to pour, and I ran for the bucherai just in time. It started to rain, and continued all afternoon, but I was snug and cozyi n the bucherai.

After almost 4 hours I left and headed to the hotel. 2kms of hiking. I collected my luggage, and started the hike back. With luggage. It was along, heavy haul, but finally I arrived at the synagogue.

Not to say anything negative, because I know that they have to be careful about security. However, was it really necessary to lay all of my stuff out on the wet ground and hit at it with the scgurity wand? And then they would not even let me bring it in - they said that there was a "locked area" where I could leave my luggage. Sure. A locked area where the GARBAGE lives. I leaned my bags carefully against a garbage bin and covered it with a bit of plastic from the bin (don't forget, it had been pouring all afternoon). I was not in a good mood after this. Then the weilder of the security-wand turned to me with a hearty "Shabbat Shalom". Hm! I'm sure the shabbat would have been super if all my stuff had been ruined (or had absorbed the disgusting smell wafting from the open bins).

In the end, though, the synagogue was quite nice. It had just re-opened after renovations the week before. The women sat seperately, but they even came in jeans. The singing was good and the service was short. Sfterwards there was a sit-down meal of eggs (and soo many onions) and kugel and beans. Strange meal, but it was freee!

Then I was given a ride to the subway in Vienna. Imagine, a real ride in a real car. It was unheard-of luxury for this tired traveller.

At the airport I found a lovely bench (the nicest one in an Airport yet!) and waited out the night. Air Niki was great - there was tea (though I got the wierdest lookw hen I wasked for sugar and lemon. Am I crazy? Is that a tea faux-pas??) and even gourmet vegetarian sandwiches. Free food on an airplane!

In Roma I just (involving running) caught the train to Sulmona. Now, on a map Sulmona is not far from Rome. On the train it is a 3.5 hour trek. Including stops for smokes by the ticket-stamper and conductor, and a 30 minute stop to watch a wedding from the platform. Italy can be crazy sometimes.

My hotel in Sulmona turned out to be not in Sulmona at all, but really far away - taxis are really expensive, so I moved to another hotel that is right in the city, and an easy trak to anything.

The city is wonderful (If I was not so tired) It is cold and rainy today, but yesterday it was really nice. It is entirely surrounded by mountains, and is so cold (according to the locals) because it was snowing on a nearby mountain (You could see it in the distance). Actually, there was an ominous feel to the air all yesturday - like something was going to happen. And today rain. I am sure relieved it was not a Pompeii-esque firestorm or a Volcano!

This city is known for gorgeous "confetti" flowers, which are made from flat "confetti" chocolate candies. The flowers are charming. however, you can imagine the poor bride who would be pelted with such confetti. Hopefully at weddings they use the paper variety.

13 days and I go home. I am so tired!!


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