...Adventure begins...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Lucky Monday *or* I eat for free!

So, ieri ended up wonderful after all. Never mind that it rained all day and that I felt ill and that my back hurt so that every time I took a deep breath it cracked (ew. EW!) That is from slipping down a stone the day before I assume. Never mind that I was cold all day and took showers every hour or so just to keep warm (it was a very clean day too), and that the delicious pizza I ate for lunch burned the skin in my mouth so that it is hanging in strips. Don't I sound attractive??

However, the day ended bee-you-tifully! I advanced to the semi-finals in the competition here in Sulmona (I sing tonight again), which is not only wonderful and impressive, but the competition is now paying for my food and hotel. Free food and hotel! It is enough to spoil a poor traveller!

And then, just before I went to bed, I received a call from my mother - she checked my email for me while we were on the phone (strangely, checking email via mum long-distance is cheaper than going to a cafe and checking it here) and...I have been accepted to the South Africa Competition!!! For those who have not yet heard the story, the same week that my wordly sis was chosen to work for 3 years in South Africa, a *mysterious brochure* arrived in the mail. It was for a competition in Pretoria, South Africa - the same city where sis would be living. And (this is the best part) whomever was accepted (from CDs submitted) for the competition, would receive free airfare to South Africa from Anywhere in the World!! Look on Expedia - the cheapest flight to South Africa then is 5 000,00!!. I am sure that I could find a cheaper flight, but that is not the point. Sister, put a ribbon on your puppy and turn on the Jacuzzi I am coming!!


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