...Adventure begins...

Monday, September 19, 2005

If things went well...

...there would not be anything to write about. I know when I am home and life is boring again I will think that I am crazy, not appreciating being here - I mean, ROMA! - I am actually here. However, I want to be hooome. Let us begin with:

The MISSING list
1. The 100€ that was stolen in Salzburg
2. My converter (cameras need charging). Hopefully a new one isn't too expensive.
3. My retainer. New retainer: 400$. I can't believe it.
4. My pink microfleece sweater. I loved it: I could not wear it at home because it attracts dog hair like an - uh - dog hair magnet. But I used it as a pillow here and of course as a sweater.
5. 150€. Robbed again! I am too poor to be robbed all the time! This time the money was taken out of my wallet while I was singing in the competition. I had left it outside the room with the other singers, because that is what everyone else did. I had the money folded up in the bottom of my wallet to pay for my hotel. They did not take my ID or my passport or my American money or even all of my Euros. But I am molto pissed off. I cut corners every day to save cents here and there, and then this happens.

I went to McDonalds for lunch today, and as soon as I sat down I was attacked by swarms of beggars. Now, I am not insensitive to their plight: It is scary not to have money. However, it is not FAIR when a beggar prods her 5-year-old child to sit down at your table and look at your food and then she asks for food for her child to eat. No, I did not need all of my fries. I was happy to give them to the child. It is just the point. Leave me alone, everyone!

I have not seen any of Rome. Besides the Subway. There are special quirks to this city - if you pay for the subway and there is no change in thge machine they will give you a voucher and you have to wait in line later to get your change. Truly a special place.

I am too annoyed about the money to write anything useful.


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