...Adventure begins...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's all relative...

Today was family day in the traveling life of *Me*. Armed with the luck that always seems to lead me well in my wild goose chases and my family tree printout (filled with highlighter and inked changes) I headed to the jewish museum. I had wanted to poke around the cemetery to look for familiar names but it was too POURING to go anywhere outside.

The museum was a bit sparse but interesting, and when I watched one of the videos I noticed that the producer of the video had a VERY familiar name. I ran back to the cloakroom to grab the roll of tree, and sure enough, the husband of the thrd cousin I was meeting later in the day had made the video. Neat!

I had showed the fam tree to the girl who was selling tickets, and she suggested that I ask the lady in the gift shop for advice about what research I could do. Well, I went to the gift shop, and she showed me a book about the Jews in the Danish town of Randers. The family of some of my relatives (related through marriage) was the last Jewsh family in that town! V. neat. I looked at the other books, and I found some penned by an Edelsten. There are groups of Adelstein/Addlestone/Edelstens on the tree, so I asked the book store lady about them. She asked to see the tree again, and...

Her daughter is married to my second cousin once removed!!

She told me tons of new names and I gav her a bunch of my business cards to pass on to the family, and hopefully they will contact me. How neat is that?! She said that if I had gone to synagogue I would meet them all, as they go every week. Sdly I am leaving tomorrow, but I have spent so much time LOOKING at the names that meeting them would have been amazing. I wonder if there is a Melanie-clone walking around somewhere?...

At 2pm I met one mf my 3rd cousins, who lives in Copenhagen. We went over the tree together and she told me storis about a bunch of the people and about Jewish life here in Copenhagen. She was the sweetest person (that must be where *I* get it!). The Jewish community is very small in Denmark. They generally do not wear Jewish jewlery or read hebrew papers in public, it is just not safe. Wow, I would have not guessed that about Denmark...

Time to eat the cold pizza I bought for dinner (it was not cold when I bought it. It was cheaper to get a huge custom pizza than a slice elsewhere, and I got it with hardly any cheese and tons of veg) and re-pack. Again. I am leaving a magazine and 2 books behind, but I have picked up 2 books (one is an introduction to Philosophy!) at the hostel book exchange. Hurrah for free reading!

Tomorrow I am on to Sweden and then later in the day to Warsaw, Poland. Except for a few things (!!), I have managed to spend very little money in this city. Bus fare, one pizza and a bottle of Fanta, and 4 little things from H&M (I KNOW, but they were 2.50$ each. For sweaters. And it is SOO cold!)


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