...Adventure begins...

Friday, August 11, 2006

R's London Birthday

We did so much today! It was R's birthda, so we got to have fun all day!

It is late and I am so tired, but here is what we did:

1- R mailed a bunch of her things home. The airlines are not allowing anything on planes, not even bottled water, so R decided to send a bunch of the things home that she would otherwise have carried on the plane. I stuffed a jacket and a shawl into the package, which is fab, since I will have less to carry. I have troubles. I have one small suitcase to check and a purse and a backpack to carry on. Now I cannot carry anything on, but can only check 2 bags. The next flight is not going to be easy.

2- To the Mark and Spencer store to buy a picnic lunch. The store had a deal on - with 4L of food we would get a free lunch box. Free! Lunch box! R and I now have matching birthday lunchboxes.

3- Next, to the zoo! I love the zoo. We looked at all of the animals and I bought the cutest stuffed mouse! Her name is Clementine...

4- To a wine tasting at Vineopolis. When sis and I tried to do wine tastings we had just recovered from 2 days of food poisoning in Cape Town. Oooh! We had fun, but did not taste a lot of wine... This time we tasted wine and absynthe, and then...

5- To Shakespears's Globe theatre! We went as groundlings, which meant that we stood (ugh!) The play was about pirates, not a Shakespeare at all. In the first five minutes one man whipped off his pants and whipped out... yikes!

That is all, time to recover before more walking tomorrow. One would think that I would be extremely skinny with all this walking. Alas, this is not yet the case...


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