...Adventure begins...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Yet More Pictures

This is the way that people in Poland eat Sunflower Seeds. They hold the head of the giant sunflower on one hand and pick out the seeds with the other.

Ha ha, I can read Polish! As anyone who has been to London will know, that says "Mind the Gap!"

These are photos of the house where my Grandfather was born. It is VERY LIKELY the correct house. It is beside an old army barracks and on the street corner. Unfortunately, the houses to the right are gone (now a parking lot) and there were no street numbers. However, I am almost certain it is the right house, as the garage should take up the spaces of two houses (numbers 2 and 4) and this should be number 6.

I am at the computer for a few hours taking care of business. Sigh! It is so hard to be away from the computer when there is much to do. Of course, it is a beautiful day in Salzburg, and will stay nice as long as I am stuck inside. Last night The day was lovely until I finished at the Mozarteum. I stepped outside, free for the afternoon, and suddenly a black cloud covered everything. By the time I arrived at the bus stop for the Schloss it was pouring. I bought soup at the market and sipped it in my little garret room while the lightening flashed. It was very cozy! At one point the thunder echoed around the mountains for over a minute. I adore thunderstorms, and it all fit in well with the Sound-of-Music theme of the Schloss.

I have a free day on Sunday and if it doesnät rain I am thinking of a hike. Okay, more pictures:


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