...Adventure begins...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rain in Salzburg - no WAY!

Guess what? It is raining. Like last year. Like EVERY SINGLE DAY last year. This is the most gorgeous city, if the rain would just stop for a while.

Yesterday I went shopping for my Austrian favourites: choco pudding, Italian grapes, and the low-fat vegetarian pizza. It is some pizza - thin crists with asparagus, peppers, artichoke hearts and pine nuts on top. YUM. And the Schloss Frohnburg has an oven, so unlike last year where I was cooking in a smoky toaster, I can make the whole pizza at once. Hurrah! I am going to buy more today! I even managed to ask someone where the cereal was. My translator didnät understand cereal, so I asked for "Der kinder essen in der morgen. mit milch" and ta-da! Cereal!

The kitchen is actually very nice, and in typical fashion in thie culture, there are RULES. Turn off the light. Keep your things in your own numbered cupboard. We were each issued a plate, a spoon, a mug, fork, knife and a glass, and they are expected to be returned to the cupboard when we check out. The fridges have been divided into numbered compartments, which we can also lock with our room key. I am number 36, room 36. It is wierd but sort of nice. nobody will steal my food after all! I paid for the cheaper, shared-bathroom room. Well, there is nobody in the room next to mine, and so at the moment I get the bathroom all to myself!

At breakfast there are rolls, warm milk and cereal (ugh. I bought some cold milk) and tea. We are allowed 2 buns, 2 butters and a jam. Rules!! When I went into the kitchen later I noticed that the buns were just sitting out on the counter, 8 hours after breakfast. Still, to deter bun-hogs there must be rules!

At least things are clean. When I went to the public phone to call the bank yesterday it was being wiped down and sanitized by two city workers (who began to flirt shamelessly with me in German "Halloo meine shöne frau", etc.) These were people not PEEING in phone booths but cleaning it. Ahhh, Western Europe! So clean, if one ignores the 5-inch long slugs. They are all ove rthe grass. I was taking a short cut to the grocery store last night (probably against some rule) when I thought that around me were bunches of turds. No, just turd-size monster slugs...


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