...Adventure begins...

Saturday, September 30, 2006


ooh, doesn't that sound ominous?

Last weekend was great fun. W's squeeze stayed over and we went ATV and horseback riding. The ATVs were fantastic. We zoomed accross the African hills to a pond-y lake. It was so hot and sis and I were sorry we had not brought bathing suits. Actually, that is not strictly true. Sis and I hesitated only a second before we merrily stipped off all of our clothing and splashed into the muddy pond. It was lovely, and we dried our underwear on the bike handles on the ride back.

Why oh why am I such a bad horseback rider? Even the novice boyfriend could canter and he was a horseback VIRGIN. Cry. My first stupid horse Petunia bit 3 other horses before we even left the corral (I was told that it was not the horse's fault but how I handled him. Yikes! I was just sitting on thw horse. Does my sitting on animals make them vicious??. The second horse Jamaica (the same one I rode there last time) would not trot or walk reasonably fast. I kicked him and kicked him but all that did was make him break into a run for 15 terrifying seconds (I was CERTAIN I was going to fall and probably die).

After all this fun we drove back to Sis' community for Tapas night. We had each planned to cook Tapas and desserts and then (being us) judge them and name a Tapas champion. Sis and her boy went to shower while I started cutting a squash. An EVIL squash. I cut and then cut again and then the knife slipped and sliced my poor right-hand index finger right open.

There were many curses, and blood spurted everywhere (including on sis' door... oops, forgot to clean that up before I left). I begged W not to take me to the emergency room, but she ignored my frenzied pleading.

I had to get a tetanus shot. Ew.

I had to get 3 stitches and s freezing shot right IN the wound which didn't work because I could feel the third stitch. EW.

Now sister knows how terrified I am of needles. They are just WRONG. It is a huge violation to let a stranger pierce your skin and stick something foreign into you. It is just WRONG.

I actually like the stitches very much, but don't tell... :)


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