...Adventure begins...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 2 in RaBAT - Part 2

The pool party was at the house of a locally-engaged immigration staff. Actually, that is not strictly accurate. The party was at ONE OF HER HOUSES. A white stone mansion a mere block from the south african-style slums of Rabat. A huge residance that her father had bought from one of *his* friends to help him out of some financial dificulties. A house that was currently sitting empty because all of his 7 children considered it "too big" to live in alone. The house did have a pool, though, and we spent the afternoon splashing and lying in the fleeting sunshine. (The house was not exactly empty. It did have many fine works of art, and antique four-poster beds, and of course handmade rugs and embroidered pillows and wooden armoires. It did not have toilet paper, but hey, you can't have everything I guess.)

After the pool party, we went to visit a friend of the locally-engaged staff member (Rachel was her name, and by 'we' I mean myself, Rebecca and Karine). His house was fantastic. The grounds were an entire hill. After passing through the entrance gates our car wound up and up through a dazzling garden. At the top of the hill-garden was a pool, tennis-courts, wild lawns, a summer house, a regular house, and acres more of estate that we did not see. We sat by the pool drinking wine (them) and Moroccan tea (me). The kitchen sent out some polenta-like bread cake (delicious) along with a bowl of butter (churned from the cow the estate keeps for butter) and honey from the aviaries which are also on the estate. The family also keeps a donkey, and as we lay by the bool we could hear his braying as well as the muezzin calling the faithful to prayers.

At around 7 we all went out for supper. A friend of a friend was meeting Rebecca (a boy, so she got all excited about it) and the 5 of us had supper together. The food tool at LEAST an hour and a half, and at 11:00 I decided I was too tired to play anymore and took a cab home. Besides, the girl driving had had almost a full bottle of wine. I don't care if it is not Canada, and I don't care if she chooses to run herself into a tree. I wanted to go to fez tomorrow intact. So here I am. Rebecca is not back yet, and soon I am going to bed. Not much actually happened today, and look at all there was to write! Wait until tomorrow!

Just a few final things:

1- I do not feel I should have to tip a bathroom monitor when the lights of the bathroom are OFF and she just watches calmly as I fumble for the switch, and when neither of the toilts in that washroom have seats, and one of them has no flusher. Just saying.

2- The cabs, too are blue. No Evil eye there either!

3- I have not seen a cockaroach yetl. Yet. That is good!

4- Oh right! I forgot to mention that after breakfast we stopped at a beauty salon (using that term *extrememly loosely*) and I got my arms and bikini wazed. Hurrah! I am hopefully (if things grow enough) going back Wednesday morning for leg waxing also. SO CHEAP! 6$ for arms and bikini, instead of 90$ at home!

Okay, that is all. Night!


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