...Adventure begins...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Secret Language of the Belgians

I am in Antwerp. It is a city far, far in the north of Belgium (which, since it is Belgium, is not terribly far or terribly north) This is the ancient city of shopping and diamonds. I am not allowed much of either. Okay, I am not allowed any diamnonds. Not even a little baby diamond. Not that I am even tempted. I mean, just because diamonds are practically a cultural symbol for me - my mother has one; and her mother, and on and on. I even know the word in Yiddish for diamond: Diamondl. Aren't I clever? Lucky I also contain spectacular self-control and have not even bought one diamond. Even though I just got here and it is Sunday and all the stores are closed. But not one! I have not even been tempted (much).

I found my hostel and dumped my stuff and went to walk around the city. Great city! Everyone talks in code though so communication is limited. In Belgian-speak, they speak 'Flemish' but that can't be a real language, since no-one *I* know has ever heard if it before. It is like German mixed with funny vowels, and I have already learned a ton of words: dag (day), internet (internet), waffle (waffle), Turkije (Turkey). Too bad none of them don't do together at all. These Flemish people have some beef with the French, and I was warned TWICE on the way here NOT to talk French. Scary! Okay, it is a French country and French is not allowed. More rules than Frankfurt!

Anyway, I walked around the city and then went back for a lie-down. I didn't sleep last night until 5:30 - I was busy trapping the 4 mosquitos that suddenly appeared in the bedroom. It took 6 hours to lure them out (with my swollen yet juicy flesh) and kill them, splatterin my blood everywhere. Ugh! Actually, I only killed 3 of them - the last one I chased out and closed the door in her evil hungry face. So I went back to the hotel and climed up upon my lovely clean bunk bed

(can anyone guess what comes next?) and looked up and saw DOZENS of mosquitos all over the ceiling. Oh, NO! And I am the only one in the dorm, so as soon as I lie down I will be mobbed. I almost had a nervous breakdown. Still may happen. I found this internet café and hav to stop typing this and start looking for somewhere to sleep tonight. Help! (hee hee.. good thing I didn't PAY for the hostel yet!)


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