...Adventure begins...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Story of the American in Hungary

At the synagugue last night I met two Americans, who had vaguely mentioned that they were here on business. One of them was at the service today, and I asked him what was his business. He looked uncomfortable, and finally said that since it was YK he did not want to lie, and this was his story:

This American was in Roumania working for a company of venture capitilists, raising money for a company who peomoted weight loss products. For some reason (I think because since Roumania is not in the EU and Hungary is the closest EU country) they travelled to Budapest to do their banking. (I know, the whole thing sounds a bit suspect...) This man was the payroll manager, and the last time he went to the Hungarian bank to withdraw money, the police came and arrested him. The charges were Fraud and Money Laundering.

The American was arrested 16 months ago. He has not had a trial, and he has not been charged formally with anything. He was held in a tiny prison cells with murderers for 4 months, and then when he became ill he was moved to a hospital cell for another 11 months. He is currently released in the city, but he has no passport and he obviously cannot leave. He has not been formally charged yet (the limit for holding someone while investigating is 2 years, and a few years ago it was indefinitely), and no-one gives him or the other Americans any information. Amnesty came to see him when he was in the sick ward, but they did not speak English and never returned with a translator.

If he is guilty or if his company is guilty is not the issue. Even if he added some details his experience sounds horrific. The issue for me is that an EU country should not be able to do these thing, and besides sending him food package from his family, the US Embassy does not do anything. That is scary, and after hearing that I want out!


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