...Adventure begins...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Una Avventura

I am back in Novafeltria after quite an interesting weeeknd. I spent Saturday in Ravenna looking at the mosaics, and Sunday in Bologna bathing suit shopping (4$ suits, and they are CUUTE!. But the real adventure happened later, on the way back to Novafeltria.

I was in the Central Train station in Bologna, waiting for my train. Suddenly I heard my name called out. ! Who would know me in Bologna? It was Derek, another one of the singers, and he was in PERIL.

He had been in Florence with a group of people, and two of them had climbed on a trin to get back Novaf (via Bologna and Rimini). As they were settling in their seats they realized it was the wriong train and got off. Then, as the whistle was blowing, Derek realized that he had left his duffel bag with his passport on the train, and he hopped on to get it. And the doors closed. And the train pulled away. The last thing his companion saw was his horrified face at the window, mouthing " Help! I have no money!"

So when I met Derek in the station he was pretty relieved. We waited together and met two trains from Florence, but nobody else we knew got off. He was feeling curious about the sights in Bologna, so I took him on a quick tour of the centro storico. We got back just in time to buy tickets (he had also left his ticket behind) and get to our train to Rimini. We climbed in. The doors closed. The train left...

15 minutes from Rimini, the ticket checked came around and explained to us (in Italian) that we were not in Rimini, we were in FLORENCE. We had taked the train heading SOUTH, not NORTH.

Getting back to Bologna and then Rimini without a ticket was a bit tricky, but the sympathetic conductors were understanding. At 11pm we finally arrived in Rimini, having of course missed our 7:40 bus back to Novafeltria.

I went aroun d to groups of friendly-looking travelers, looking sad and broadly hinting that if they were going to Novafeltria, I was going that way too. no luck. So we walked to the seaside and found a lovely little hotel where the price of a room was cheaper than the price of a taxi back to Novafeltria.

We had dinner, got some sleep, and caught a morning bus back here. Drama over. I even called my mum and got her to call the emergency number to tell people we were okay.

The message was not passed on. Nobody actually noticed I was gone (hm!) but they had called the train authorities and police and everyone thought Derek was dead in a ditch somewhere. And I brought him back. I am a HERO!

...as long as nobody figures out that it was I who pulled us on the train back to Florence...


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