...Adventure begins...

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Porcelain Throne

Dear Sir or Madame at Expedia,

I have some comments to add to my complaint of last night, and I would appreciate receiving more than a form letter as a response.

My hotel room last night had a nice large double bed, and a cot, all covered with multicoloured bedspreads (They were, I believe, originally one colour - beige. I did not look too closely at the plethora of stains and of cigarette burns), a privacy curtain (which looked like it had been ripped with a knife, then taped together with now-drooping scotch tape. It even had companionship in the form of 2 small black flies and a hungry mosquito. However, my room came with no toilet seat. When I arrived I spent about five minutes peering at the toilet wondering if this was a special Belgian toilet (just like as in in shopping malls in Italy there are just holes in the ground. If you are not posh enough for a small Italian boutique, apparently you deserve to squat)

Perplexed, I made yet another trip down to the front desk. The last trip had been to inquire about chenging channels on the television and the response had been a smile and a remote control taken from a cubby (not that I did change channels once I got up there.. the Eurokids competition was on and that was better than anything English or German CNN has to offer. Ever. No World disaster is funner than 13-year-olds getting their little Flemish hearts broken on TV . )

"Excuse me," I said, glancing around to see if there was a pile of toilet seats propped up anywhere "I know this is a budget hotel, but are the toilets supposed to have SEATS on them?"

"Of COURSE," she answered. "Doesn't yours?" I shook my head. "Couldn't you find it?"

I patiently explained to her that there was nowhere to hide a toliet seat in the tiny room and if she did not have a cubby where I could sign one out, I needed her help in finding some other toilet option.

She pointed accross the street to the burger place.

THIS is a 3-star hotel??

They would not give me another room, and as it was prepaid I could not leave. I actually had to WALK in the dark in a bad area to a nearby cafe to use the washroom. When I complained I was told firmly that there was nothing that they could do.

I could overlook the torn draiperies and the were sticky, dark stains on the floor, and the thick dust on the floor, but I wanted a toilet!

I was told I could go accross the street to another hotel if I was so unsatisfied. As this hotel had been prepaid that wouldn't have been a good idea. The desk clerk told me that it wouldn't too expensive however, as that hotel charges by the hour and it was already quite late. I looked out the window, and all that was left flasing in the Neon HOTEL light were the first two letters, blinking on and off in sickly green. HO...HO...HO. By the hour... no, I decided to stay.

This morning I talked to the manager and said that I had paid for a toilet and did not get what I paid for. I was told that as it was an expedia booking and I had ALREADY CONTACTED EXPEDIA with my discontent he would not do anything for me.

In other words, last night they would not give me a room until I found a phone and called Expedia in Canada and waited in hold for ages while they had to CALL the hotel to tell them I actually had a room.

I could not stay at the hotel I had paid for unless I contacted Expedia.

Now I was being punished for doing so. He told me that he would have upgraded me and given ne a second night free in his hotel but now he has to deal with Expedia and why should he make things easy for me - I am not his problem, my discomfort is YOUR problem.

They had a sister hotel and could have moved me there if there were no toilet seats to give me in his hotel. Even the sleaziest hostel has a usable toilet.

I would like a refund. This was NOT a 3 star hotel (as they advertise) or a 2.5 star hotel as you advertise. When I told him the room was filthy I received another eloquant shrug and was told that the cleaning staff had not come inthat day so some of the rooms were not as clean as other nights.

Once more: I could not use the toilet. It had no seat. They would not give me my room because though I had my confirmation number they had no fax from Expedia (or a fax machine - it goes to their sister hotel) and would not phone Expedia long-distance. I had to dodge the pimps and whores to find a cafe where I could phone and then I had to pay for a 20 minute call while they talked to the hotel (no way to reverse the charges).
Then when I complained last night about the toilet she not only did nothing but she LAUGHED at me. This morning the manager told me that if Ihad not already expressed displeasure to Expedia he would have compensated me for my hellish room, but since now he has to "Deal with those Expedia guys" he does not want to deal with me also.
I am most disappointed. You misrepresented a hotel. I booked a room WITH A TOILET and paid for a toilet and since the one there was impossible for a lady to use I want some refund.


Melanie Gall

I am going to go look at some diamonds.


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