...Adventure begins...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tea Time

This will ahve to be short, as the tea is almost ready.

I spent a lovely day today at services singing. During part of the afternoon Edie (my host) and I took a Funicular up into the mountains and hiked to a viewpoint and looked down upon this city.

During the afternoon torah discussion (in Hungarian) I prowled around the area (called Moscow Square - communism, anyone?) and then looked around the synagogue building. It is in a hebrew private school called the Lauder School - yes, named after the Estee Lauder Lauders. There is some foundation founded by one of the sons that builds Jewish schools in the Middle East and Eastern Europe (EEK! I forgot for a second! I am in EASTERN EUROPE!!).

In one corner of the school were degus, chinchillas, gerbils, bunnies, birds, etc., and they were all out of water! Poor things! I rushed down to the front desk, where the security guard and I pantomimed until we figured out that we could speak in German. I quickly told him that the mausen would be toten because they had nicht wasser and grosse Hunger. He gave me the key (laughing at me..everyone always does when I pantomime starving mouses) and I made everyone happy. I even got to kiss a fat gerbil. Hoorah!

That is all. At services I used German, Italian and French to speak to other people. Phew! Not to brag, but it is fun to switch and switch, though it gets confusing.

Tea is ready. Just let me note that it has taken me exactly 35 hours to regret not wearing shoes to the bathhouse.



  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger ChannahShira said…

    You saved the maussen!

    And you have two at home awaiting your return!!!

    See you so soon!!!


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