...Adventure begins...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Melanie in Madrid - Hey, catchy title!

So it is day 2 in Madrid, which is important, because being in Madrid is an ADVENTURE. However, also important is the fact that the harry Potter book is being released HERE 7 hours before it will be out in North America. Ha ha ha! If people aren't nice to me, I will totally ruin the ending! The book is going to be mas overpriced, but I sold two of MY books, so I am riiich today!

It is a funny story, actually, I have brought the copies to send to the hostels featured in the book, but last night I ended up sharing a dorm with 4 girls from Korea who were exploring Europe on school break. We started talking, and 2 of them wanted books. Well, I wasn't going to say no!

This morning I woke up early (actually the girls from Korea gathered around my bed and giggled at me until I got up for 'breakfast'. I think they are in awe of me (Good, everyone SHOULD be...just kidding!) because I was teaching them some words of french and they can barely get by in English. That must make traveling difficult. The breakfast wasn't worth getting up for. Us and an American family - parents and 2 young children - from Lousiana. Everyone else was sleeping off the drink from the night before. Or still passed out drunk. Madrid is that kind of city. Anyway, even the crackers at breakfast were stale, so I wandered around the streets until I found a cute restaurant for breakfast. The mum from Lousiana and I swapped books, so that is one more thing to read. Hurrah! Every time I leave a book it is a major triumph, as it is one less thing to carry, but still. There will be no books to be found in Italy in the middle of nowhere!

Actually, that is not exactly accurate. First I lined up for 30 minutes to get tickets for the opera tonight. Sold out. Then I got on one of the Red double-decker buses that tours all around the city all day. It is extremely reasonable compared to other cities, only 15.30 euros, but the tour is really tinny thorough microphones. I DID spot a good place for breakfast FROM the bus, though, and have been riding it around on and off all day.

Breakfast was tea and a mini sandwich with brie and tomatos (SO good) and freshly-squeezed orange juice. Lunch was half a bag or greasy potato chips and another cup of freshly squeezed orange juice. Everything is meaty here. Everything is HAMmy here. I vowed that this trip I would not eat at the McDs, but it still may occur. It is SO HARD to find anything to eat, and no0one goes to the sit down restaurants alone here.

I spent most of the day today at the Prado (not Prada) museum. It has some fantastic art masterpieces, with Goya and other Spanish and (wierdly enough) Flemish painters. I learned a lot about art today, and looked at paintings until I almost believed I could paint something passable. Almost...

Okay, time to look for some food. I had really good hummous yesterday, but I don't think I should have that again, if you know what I mean...ugh!

Thanks for the comment, mum!


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